I highly recommend Daz Studio and use it to create all of my fantasy women art images. Why? Daz Studio is free and no drawing skills are needed. It is also a lot of fun and very addictive.
How to Insert Inline Images in the Daz3D Forum
This mini-tutorial gives step-by-step instructions on how to insert an image into a post, on the new Daz3D forums.
Daz Victoria 7 – Good, Bad, or Meh
Victoria 7 and Genesis 3 Females just got released recently by Daz3D. Since then, there have been lots of heated discussions about her. Here, I talk about my own experiences with Victoria 7, the good, the bad, and whether she is worth the extra bucks.
Shiba 3D-Art Contest
Come join this fun 3D-art contest. It is easy to join, there are few restrictions, and we are giving away a bunch of Daz3D gift certificates for prizes. You can enter as many times as you like, and both old or new 3D-renders are welcome.
Daz Studio Iray Tutorial for Beginners
This tutorial describes how I create a simple scene, from start to finish, for the Daz Studio Iray renderer. In particular, I discuss how to assign Iray materials, and how to create simple but realistic lighting in Iray with an image based light (IBL).
3D Art with Daz Studio, Reality, and LuxRender
This article talks about creating 3d art using Daz Studio, the Reality plugin, and LuxRender. In particular, we compare the quality of renders made with Reality + Lux, with those rendered only in Daz Studio. We also discuss how Reality changes our 3d art creation process, and what additional steps we may need to take.
How to Create Fantasy Art in Daz Studio (for Beginners)
I have always loved fantasy art. I am not trained as an artist, but even as a Daz Studio beginner, I can use it to create cool looking art that I previously would never be able to produce. Here, I talk about my early experiences with Daz Studio, how I add fantasy figures and environments, how I set up some simple lights, and ultimately make my imagination real.