We are giving out our first 3D-object freebie, which is a cool side head-piece (shown below). In the image, I combined the original textures of the head-piece with the wonderful Bone and Fantasy Scale Iray Shaders by JGreenlees. Other items used in our image –
Download August 2016 Freebie
Hope you like it! This file will be available from now until the end of August. Follow us on Facebook or Deviant Art for future freebie announcements.

This freebie was made possible by Sixus1 Media and our awesome patrons at Patreon. We thank them from the very bottom of our hearts!
If there are particular freebie items you would like to see in the future, please let us know below. We also have a cool 3D-art contest with Daz GC as prizes.

Looks great….I would like to see different backgrounds and more animals