September is here again, which means the Premier Artist Festival has begun at Daz!
We are only a few days in, but there are already some amazing products. My favorites so far are –
- Leony Character, Clothing and Hair Bundle – Definitely another winner character and hair bundle by outoftouch and Raiya. She is bad-ass, strong, sensual, and would make a fabulous Lara Croft.
- FLUIDOS for Daz Studio – How cool is this, a new fluids simulation plugin for Daz Studio. Based on the promo images, it looks like a wide range of effects can be generated. Instead of getting props for each particular situation, we can now generate our own fluid movement and shapes.
- Mossy Hollow Botanica – Fantastic looking vegetation with the high detail, quality, and realism we have come to expect from Howie Farkes. The example scenes look outstanding, so these props will be very useful in creating new environments from scratch, or to enrich existing outdoor scenes.
- HD Saxophone and Poses for Genesis 8 – Another incredible and unique set of musical instrument poses by Protozoon. The saxophone looks terrific and so do the poses. Another winner product!
So far, I have only picked-up the Leony bundle. Since it is very early days, I am trying to be more conservative with purchases. Hopefully, there will be a chance to pick up some additional items later on during group days. Have a very happy Premier Artist Festival! ๐
September 2018 Contest Vendors
As with previous Premier Artist Festivals, you get to pick your own favorite vendor this month! Think about an artist you love and whose products you use the most often. After picking ONE favorite Daz3D vendor, all your entries for the month will need to contain at least one item from their store.
For example, in the images included here, Stonemason is my favorite vendor so all my renders include at least one item by him.
NOTE – Daz Originals and RuntimeDNA, CANNOT be chosen. Please clearly state your favorite/featured vendor.
List of Daz3d Vendors
The newly released Zelara 8 and Toon Dwayne 8 will also qualify.
September contest entries.
1st Place – All Is Lost
Artist – SmR
Realistic, raw, and powerful!
Looks like a still from a Marvel movie. He feels like an Atlas type figure, taking all the weight (fire) onto himself in order to save everyone else. Excellent work integrating all of Ron’s Explosion effects in a seamless and compelling manner. They give the image vividness, movement, and depth.
Luthbel’s Cyclops Suit is superbly featured. It looks real in this lighting, and under all the fog and fire. Magnificent work.
The judges also enjoyed Wraith. Another striking piece with very strong imagery.
2nd Place – John Coffey & Mr. Jingles
Artist – deathbycanon
Definitely shows off Saiyaness’ Raoul for Ivan 7 to great effect. He makes a fabulous John Coffey, with very realistic and detailed skin. The clothing and clothing textures are also amazing, as is the adorable Mr. Jingles. What model did you use for Mr. Jingles or is he composited in?
A very poignant image of a very poignant story.
Wood Mage is another impressive image that wowed everyone. Marvelous character, woods, lighting, and atmosphere.
3rd Place – Wax
Artist – Detniat
Superb pin-up and hair drape!
This image grabs my attention right away. Her pose is outstanding, and the minimalist background further emphasizes her form. Brilliant use of Classic Long Hair with dForce. It enhances her pose, as well as adds a wonderful touch of softness and realism to the piece.
Her form fitting metallic Liquid Armor outfit gives the perfect tech-look, and matches well with the block that she is resting on. Pin-up at its best!
3rd Place – Hop Up
Artist – Shozai
Amazing landscape and heart-warming image.
Love the poses and the bears are totally adorable. This is a fantastic feature of AM’s new Brown Bear, which has gorgeous long fur. The cubs, of course, have always been a big favorite of mine.
The winter landscape is beautiful, realistic, with awesome use of water and reflection. Excellent textures, snow cover, camera angle, and everything else.
Honorable Mentions
Classic By Decoyboy
Terrific male pin-up!
Great to see a beefcake image. I especially like his expression and skin details. The shades and airplane are also classic pin-up and very well done.
Marvelous use of Dimension Theory’s Light Probes to light the scene.
Temple Chase by secret77
Wow! Love all the action going on in this scene.
Fabulous wolf poses, fur, and glowing eyes. Wonderful details and thought have gone into this piece, such as the lost sword and rock debris, which possibly caused the fighter to trip and fall. Now, he is in trouble, but his brave centaur partner is ready to protect him with her bow.
Still, things look somewhat grim for our adventurers as they get backed into a corner by the fierce pack of wolves.
Superb idea to integrate Traveler’s Heavy Vines into the Temple Ruins environment. It gives the ruins a more aged look and contributes to the darker mood. Brilliant work and thank you for listing all the items used.
Finni and Eleonora by Artienne
Charming and creative!
The little dinosaur definitely steals the show. He catches the eye because he is so unexpected, but his cute pose and realistic skin makes him totally fit with the girl and environment. It would be so much fun to go strolling through The Streets Of Venice with a raptor friend.
Nobody is going to dare mess with her. ๐
Gunslinger by Twinis
Outstanding gun-fight scene.
I especially love the slightly blurred frontal figure, with the camera capturing just his hand and gun. This gives the image a strong sense of tension and drama. One is waiting with baited breath for that moment of sudden movement, before it is quickly over.
Very clever placing the undertaker’s building from The Streets Of The Wild West as the backdrop. The billowing dust adds the perfect final touch to this incredible scene.
Congratulations September 2018 3D-Art Contest Winners!
It was so much fun this month seeing all the different favorite vendors and the range of ideas that came out of their products. Thank you all for visiting and sharing your amazing artwork!
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
Make sure to drop by our special pick your own Premier Artist September contest.