Yay! Premier Artist Month has started!
It is only Day 2, and there are already so many incredible items.
- Wow! The images from Ignis Serpentus’ Rogue Element Outfit and Rogue Element Arsenal are amazing! The headpiece looks especially awesome and bad-ass, as does all the different texture options.
- Deinonychus by AMLM, especially the feathers version. First feather creature on LAMH and it looks super detailed and super cool. I would love to see a LAMH groom for figure wings too!
- Orestes Iray HDRI Autumn Glow Skydomes looks like another amazing set. I have his previous Eventide set and I love them very much. I am also thinking of getting some of his older items because they are going for 60% discount.
Given that we are only a couple of days in, I had better pace myself so I don’t use up my entire budget in the first week. If this keeps up though, it is going to be a highly wallet aching month. 😀

September 2017 Contest Vendors
As with the previous Premier Artist Month, you get to pick your own featured vendor! That is right, pick any ONE favorite Daz3D vendor. After making your choice, all your entries for the month will need to contain at least one item from your favorite vendor.
For example, in the example images included here, Alessandro_AM is my favorite vendor so all my renders include at least one item by AM.
NOTE – Daz Originals and RuntimeDNA, CANNOT be chosen. Please clearly state your favorite/featured vendor.
List of Daz3d Vendors
The newly released Michael 8 will also qualify.
September contest entries.

1st Place – Night Watcher
Artist – SumoPanda

This is spectacular! There are so many awesome things about this image that it is difficult to stop looking and start writing.
What strikes me first is the fabulous composition and camera work. The top down view, right behind our heroine, gives the scene great tension and drama. Excellent integration with Stonemason’s Urban Future 5, with all the metal beams and dark buildings giving the scene a futuristic Blade Runner-esque mood.
Superb light accents, drawing the viewer’s attention to the main character, as well as the doorway she is planning to infiltrate. Marvelous atmosphere and effects.
Terrific feature of vendor Chungdan, with the combination of the Cyber Siren Outfit and SciFi Medusa, which is wonderfully dynamic.
2nd Place – Denison
Artist – scorpio

This is epic! Love the wide aspect ratio and the lighting gives the scene a perfect mood.
Antfarm products are always creative, and Denizen is one of my favorite characters. Because of his mask and large body, he can look somewhat menacing. However, depending on context, he can also come across as a very gentle giant. In addition, there is a sadness surrounding him, and I like how he comes out of the ocean here, with a large net and the day’s catch.
The colors and softness, gives everything a peaceful and silent feeling. He is alone in his toils, with only a seagull to witness and greet him. The judges also love Sticks-and-Twigs, which has that same softness and feel of loneliness. Is he the last of his kind and is it the end of an era? Reminds me of Princess Mononoke.

3rd Place – On The Seventh Day, God Rested
Artist – mugzie101

Haha, this is outstanding! Very clever composition and the pose/expression on the frog is brilliant.
Fantastic camera angle and feature of Tropical Pond by Allesandro_AM, which looks incredibly photo-realistic. Marvelous title, idea, render, and everything else.
Another judge-favorite is Take Time to Smell the Flowers, which is another superbly creative and clever image. Awesome work!

3rd Place – Sea Viper Captain
Artist – Mavrosh

Wow! What an amazing character. Always love your morphs and this one is magnificent.
Excellent clothing and skin textures, which feature Dimension-Z’s N.G.S. Anagenessis 2 – Revolution wonderfully. Terrific what you did with the eyes and scar. Hoping to see your fabulous morphs in Daz store someday soon! 😀
3rd Place – Seventy Times Seven
Artist – Vueiy

Fantastic story and composition!
Marvelous use of Feral Fey’s Bring Out Your Dead and Pivotal Moment Poses to construct this rich and storied scene. I love how you captured him at the point of walking out, showing great mercy to those that have shown him none. Cool environment and details, including the blood stains on the doctor’s coat and emissive surfaces.
Seven Hours To Stonehaven is another personal favorite of mine. Love the sense of adventure here, meeting new beginnings head-on, as well as the bold colors and light emitting surfaces.

Honorable Mentions
Little, Big by dreamfarmer

What a wonderful, whimsical, scene. Makes me think of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream“.
Terrific sense of mischief, magic, and humor. Excellent work with the poses and expressions. The environment is enchanting, with amazing atmospheric effects from Marshian’s AtmoCam for Iray.
Creative and beautiful!

Another judge favorite. Cool, creative, and brilliant feature of The Void by Marshian.
Fabulous scratches and textures on the face. I love her dark, dark, eyes, mirroring the void around her. A very arresting and haunting image.
Old Mage by Artienne

Incredible character portrait!
Superb skin material and brilliant lighting to bring out those skin details. Outstanding feature of Kayleyss’ Old Chap for Genesis 3 and 8 Male, with perfect clothing choice in the Fantasy Friar Outfit. The hood frames his face remarkably well, and further enhances the realism of the piece.
Sinbad’s Seventh Voyage by Joe Webb

Fantastic glowing skeletons and spell effects!
Many awesome aspects about this piece – it is dynamic with great poses; excellent details and effects, like the smoking skeleton on the ground; as well as interesting environment and story. I especially like the mage lurking in the background. 😀
Marvelous integration of the 3D render with Ron’s Digital Energy, Ron’s Particles, and Ron’s War Essentials.
Congratulations September 2017 3D-Art Contest Winners!
We had lots of amazing entries this month, so thank you so very much for visiting and participating!
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
I am late, I know… thank you so very much! This really suprised me! <3
Wow thank you.
Congrats to all who entered there really is some awesome work presented.
Thank for third place. Great pics by all!!