November is here and it is Election time on this side of the pond. Time to exercise our right to vote!
Meanwhile in Daz-land, Platinum Club month is underway and there have been some great new items as well as some great deals on older items. I especially love the Build a Cyborg Bundle. Cyborgs are always major cool and these arm and leg extensions allow us to create whole new characters from our Genesis 8 models. I also picked up many older items from my wishlist. A big favorite I finally got is Mestophales Mech Dragon. Just in time for the cyborgs!
The new Vladimir 8 is also different and bad-ass. Excellent looking skin, scars, and body detail. Mihrelle’s Buzz Cut Hair, Stubble and additional Scars is also a superb add-on in the pro-bundle. Something that I can use to spruce up all of my Genesis 8 male characters. Ryker and dForce Templar Outfit are also wonderful, so I couldn’t resist getting the pro-bundle.

November 2018 Contest Vendors
In honor of the marvelous Platinum Club+ sale, we will pick three fabulous PC+ vendors.
Jack Tomalin
Fred Winkler Art
Images with the newly released Vladimir 8 and Gia 8 will also qualify.
November contest entries.

1st Place – Feathers Of The Phoenix
Artist – RLove

Superb feature of Emiyo HD for Mei Lin 8 by Fred Winkler Art. She is absolutely striking with fabulous makeup and tattoos, her pose and expression are excellent, so is the drape of her kimono. I love that her katana is nearby, which definitely puts her in the bad-ass beauty category.
Fantastic accent pieces such as the feathers and glass sphere on her lap, reflecting the rest of the room around her. Asian elegance at its best.
The judges were also impressed with Gun Metal. Another amazing image with brilliant character design as well as awesome pose, expression, and dynamic elements. FW Tonya HD never looked so strong or so good!
2nd Place – Martini
Artist – Jewel Designs

Such a clever concept!
Neiva HD for Victoria 8 definitely seems to be enjoying herself in her martini glass. I especially like her pose and the sweep of her tail around the glass. Marvelous idea to de-saturate everything except for the blue liquid, which focuses the eye on the key elements of the piece.
DragonFly Hair looks great on her, and adds cool movement to the picture.
Pixie is another judge favorite. She is cute as a button and her cheeky expression is perfect. Outstanding job in youthifying Aryn for Genesis 8 Female. Her beautiful face makeup is absolutely charming, as is her intricate nature headdress. Terrific combination of items.

3rd Place – Hunters
Artist – Carola O

Fantastic looking characters and backdrop!
The Hunting Drake has always been a big favorite of mine, and his companion looks fabulously bad-ass with her dark suit and big gun. Furthermore, Goldtassel’s Vertigo Ponytail fits her active lifestyle very well.
I love the environment, especially the rich sky and how well you integrated Ron’s 2D elements (Ron’s Birds & Ron’s Apocalypse) into the 3D landscape.
The Bodyguard 05 – His woman is also a big hit with the judges. Superb poses, expressions, and some wonderful writing.
3rd Place – The Angel
Artist – TraceSL

Strong and beautiful angel with realistic lighting.
Another terrific feature of Neiva HD for Victoria 8. Claudia hair suits her very well and her wings are magnificently posed.
The water looks amazing as it reflects the light around her. I also like the light rays and bits of flying dander. They add realism to the environment and together with the blowing hair, give the image some lovely movement.
Outstanding work!
Honorable Mentions
Alucard By kadaj777

Superb rendition of Alucard from Castlevania.
You definitely captured his noble and elegant features very well. Incredible how you transformed FWSA Aiden, making his face more delicate and sharp. The skin is also excellent. It is pale as it should be, but with fantastic tone variation in the right places.
Marvelous use of Olenna Hair here. Together with the detailed eye-brows they give him a very realistic look. I will definitely be trying out Olenna hair on more male figures after this. 😀
Nuns by SimmoDavis

Skeleton nuns praying; such a cool and creative concept.
It is creepy, for some values of creepy, but there is also a kind of silent majesty to it. They don’t come across as malevolent to me. Instead, the scene seems stately and solemn, with Jack Tomalin’s Purgation providing the perfect backdrop. Their conviction is so strong that even in death they continue to pray for the living, and perhaps, also for the dead.
Very unique and arresting image. Definitely makes one think about faith, life, and death.
Pinup by atwen

First, you see her great legs. Then, as you scroll down, her beautiful face captures all of your attention because her expression is absolutely priceless! Brilliant concept for a pin-up and the dynamic skirt is marvelous for her pose. I also like her heart stockings.
Goldtassel’s BlueBell Hair looks awesome on her. Pinup at its best!
The Nanny by Ferretmania

This one totally cracks me up!
I especially love the black one who is totally enjoying his nap. Legs up and snoring, one can totally picture the little pool of drool next to his head. He looks to be having an amazing dream. Then, of course, there are the two difficult ones at the back who can’t sleep and keep asking for more stories.
Our brave nanny seems to take all this in stride and continues with her tale. In my head, she is wearing glasses and has a calm and kind voice, with a British accent. I can also imagine them all singing the So Long, Farewell song from Sound of Music. 😀
Congratulations to All Our November 2018 3D-Art Contest Winners!
Many many thanks to you all for visiting and for participating. We all have so much fun going through all your fantastic images. Big big hugs!
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
Congrats to all the winners!! Thank you for the honourable mention!