The biggest Daz news for October is the release of Daz Studio 4.10 and the dForce dynamic cloth system. What I like most about dForce is its ease of use, and relative speed compared to other simulated cloth systems I have tried. However, because of the more simple fitted-clothing interface, the results are spotty for more complex clothing that were not created with dForce in mind (in my experience). I have not had much time to experiment with it though, so I will definitely need to explore more of the options and try out a range of past and present clothing items.
Before dForce, I have been using VWD Cloth And Hair. To be sure, there are certainly problems with VWD, the most vexing of which is its high crash frequency. However, there are also some great features such as its dynamic positioning capabilities, advanced force controls, as well as flexibility over a large range of clothing and hair items. The result is that it is harder to use, as is stated in the product page, but also a lot more powerful. I hope dForce will integrate some of these features into its future upgrades.
In addition to dForce, the Platinum Club Anniversary Sale is still ongoing, with some great deals and products. Jack Tomalin is a big favorite of mine, and the newly released Winterblack Tower and Purgation both look super awesome!
Another wonderful PC+ vendor is JGreenlees. I have pretty much all of their Iray shader sets, and love the results that I get. Their store also includes some iconic PC+ clothing items including the Morphing Fantasy Dress (MFD) bundles and the recently released Sighni Outfit now for G8F.
A few other favorite items of mine in the PC+ sale so far –
- Infernal Succubus Outfit and Add-Ons for Genesis 8 Female by Herschel Hoffmeyer.
- Night Claws for Genesis 3 and 8 Female by Prae.
- Goblar by Sixus1 Media.

West Park Treatment Room & West Park Treatment Room Specimen by Jack Tomalin.
November 2017 Contest Vendors
Therefore, this November we will feature the following artists –
Jack Tomalin
Any dForce Item
The newly released Stephanie 8 and Lucas 8 will also qualify.
November contest entries.

1st Place – Meeting at the Pier
Artist – EmotionalOutlet3D

Amazing storied scene with great lighting and details.
Super love the warm glow cast by the street lamps and the ship, which nicely outline the shadowy figure standing in the back. Marvelous feature of Jack Tomalin’s Disconsolation as the “meeting place”. It provides an apropos setting for this tale of mystery and intrigue.
Fabulous details such as the lighted cigarette, smoke, and secret envelope. Luthbel’s Eldritch Seeker outfit is perfect here!
The judges also love Santa’s Christmas Cheer. Very creative and funny Christmas concept, coupled with an awesome pose and expression on Santa. I think the cat wants some Christmas cheer too. 😀

2nd Place – Shipwrecked
Artist – dawnydawny

Incredibly dynamic piece of artwork. There is so much movement in this image, from the writhing waves, violent spray of sea foam, activity in the boat, to the distant birds flapping against the backdrop of the night moon.
The vibrant colors on the water from green to dark blue also add to the liveliness of the composition.
Fantastic integration of the 3D-water with Ron’s 2D wave brushes. It truly feels like Jack’s little Jolly Boat is being tossed about in the rough sea.
Outstanding work!
3rd Place – Tears Of A Clown
Artist – Budo-san

Wow! Terrific clown makeup on Stephanie 8! She looks magnificently unique, with a superb expression. Truly a fascinating character.
I also love the tears, which mirror the drops of water in the backdrop. Brilliant contrasts of happy and sad, in this captivating picture.
3rd Place – Wolves guard my coffin
Artist – BavarianR

An amazing vampire image! It really reminds me of the beginning scene from the Vampire Hunter D – Bloodlust movie.
I absolutely love that wolves are guarding his coffin. It shows a strong dark power that is further enhanced by the cool misty environment. The carriage adds a wonderful Old-World elegance, as does Jack Tomalin’s incredible Purgation building.
Honorable Mentions
Abandoned planet by pierre_kbrasseur

A marvelous scene!
I love the melding of old and new, sci-fi and fantasy. The Sci Fi Space Ship looks outstanding here, as it speeds towards Jack Tomalin’s Divinity Skies Rapture II. Excellent work in integrating the burn trail behind it.
The large moon and water is the perfect backdrop for this very fine composition. It could easily be a book cover.
Studying Hard by reserv888

Magical, with fabulous lighting and spell effects.
Awesome pose here, as she diligently reads through the large ancient tome. She is pointing to key passages to pay special attention to. I definitely remember those days in school! 🙂
Great surrounding details with the colorful potion bottles and additional open books. I also like her flowery outfit, which makes me speculate upon her temperament, area of study, and story. Nicely done!
Market Mischief by Vueiy

Fantastic movement, motion blur effects, and scene. I especially love the Mantiraptor and little hunting drake running beside him.
Superb use of Jack Tomalin’s Marrakesh Souks Iray as the backdrop, as well as the addition of details from The Bazaar.
Congratulations November 2017 3D-Art Contest Winners!
Some terrific entries this month so thank you all for participating!
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
Congrats to everyone and thanks so much for the 3rd place 🙂
Congratulations All!
Woah I’m honestly surprised and grateful for the honorable mention. I didn’t think I had a chance when I saw all the great work in the gallery !
Congratulations to the top winners ! You guys deserve that !
And thank you Shiba for your monthly contest it’s a lot of fun every month !
Congratulations all. Wonderful and creative images
Congratulations everyone!! Superb images!!
Wow, thanks for the honorable mention! I didn’t see it till now, since I’ve been stuck in bed w/ the flu…
And congrats to the other winners! Remembered to say that AFTER I posted, lol, I should still be in bed… (-_-;)
Congratulations to all the winners!
Thx for the honorable mention.
Congratulations to all Winners and Honorable Mentions,
 fantastic works 🙂
Woo Hoo! You’ve given me an early Christmas present! Thanks for the 1st with Meeting at the Pier. Sometimes they just come together and that image did. Congratulations to all, there were some really lovely entries. I didn’t think I had a chance….
Wow! I am so delighted to have been awarded 2nd place. Delighted and humbled because there are so many great pieces this month.
I have loved seeing all the pieces in the gallery. It must have been a very difficult job choosing the winners 🙂
Huge congratulations to all the winners and honourable mentions. In fact, to everyone who enters each month, because it can be quite challenging to put your work “out there” for people to see!