I am very excited about Zev’s Skin Builder 3 for Genesis 3 Female(s) that was just released at the end of April. I haven’t had time to really get into it yet, but it looks like there are many superb options, it is a merchant resource, and I am a big fan of Zev. And if that isn’t enough, he is also running a contest for it in the Daz Forum – HERE.
Another crazy awesome April item is the Ancient Egypt Bundle. Love everything about it – the character is amazing, outfit and textures are superb, and of course the poses and props by Sedor are excellent. In addition, the first day of May also saw the introduction of a marvelous sale of Sedor and Aave Nainen products.
Last but not least, I also got the bad-ass HAVOC-160 Crossbow Set by Nightshift3D. I am having a lot of fun, recently, with my Lara Croft renders, and I can’t wait to do an image with her and this set! 😀

May 2017 Contest Vendors
Therefore, our featured vendors for May are –
Images with the newly released Centaur 7 and Dante 7 will also qualify.
May contest entries.

1st Place – Hide and Seek
Artist – Storypilot

This image is dynamic, detailed, expressive, and tells an engaging story.
I love all of the poses as well as expressions. They wonderfully convey that the couple is running away and terrified, whilst the genie or Titan is simply toying with his prey. The destroyed ground and rubble is another fantastic touch, underscoring the power of the Titan and the dire straits of the humans.
The composition has great depth and effectively captures the difference in size between Titan and humans. This is often difficult to do in a still frame. However, it is expertly achieved here, without compromising detail, which is nothing short of brilliant!
Lighting is also superb with the merging to cool and warm colors, as well as the awesome accent from the lamp light. Excellent use of Zev0’s Shape Shift for Genesis 3 Bundle to create characters that are unique and captivating.
Truly an amazing work of art. Four paws up!
2nd Place – Riding Free
Artist – Nitro-NInja

Fabulous feature of Centaur 7 Male and terrific water effects.
The Centaur character is especially powerful and kingly, with detailed musculature and magnificent horns. Love the fabric flow and water splashes, which give the image movement.
Finally, outstanding use of lighting to emphasize the face of the girl and body lines of the centaur king. The environment map is perfect and blends very well with the other elements of the scene.
Marvelous work!
3rd Place – A Mermaid Mustn’t Cry
Artist – VortigensBane

Superb texture work; from the jellyfish on her head, to her wet hair and skin, semi-transparent fins, and sea water all around her. I also love the composition, especially the jellyfish and her very expressive face.
Excellent feature of Zev0’s Skin Builder 3, with the zoomed in camera effectively highlighting skin details and effects.
3rd Place – Temple Guardian
Artist – Mary Baker

Awesome mythical character!
Incredible work matching all the feather textures and re-texturing her outfit with scales and feathers to fit everything else. Fantastic use of Red Sands Temple as the backdrop. This is one that I have wanted to try out since forever, and it fits this scene and character perfectly.
The pose and expression are super cool, showing-off her entire figure and fantasy elements to great effect. I especially like the posing of the sinuous tail coiled around her.
Honorable Mentions
Mermaids by Artienne

Marvelous underwater scene of mermaid mother and child. I love the vibrant colors, bright plants, and sea creatures. The red hair of the mermaids also provide a vivid and striking contrast with the greens of their outfit and tail.
The mother and child composition provides a fabulous highlight of Zev0’s Growing Up for Genesis 3 Female(s) morphs as well as Sedor’s Laguna: Mermaids – Poses.
This would make a magnificent promo image!
Stories from Nana by deathbycanon

Such a distinctive face and render. Another image which uses Zev0’s Skin Builder 3 product to great effect, especially in combination with his Aging Morphs 3. The result is an eye-catching and unique character, with fantastic skin details.
When I looked at the contest gallery page, my eyes were drawn to this thumbnail immediately. Incredible job!
The Healer by dawnblade

What an awesome idea and cool spell effects. Terrific poses on both girl and big cat, with vibrant mixing of colors. The flower dotted meadow is also very well done.
Sedor’s BWC Skies 2, with its beautiful saturated blues, fit perfectly with the green grass and sparkly healing spell. All this gives the entire image a very bright and positive feel. Love the happy feeling that it evokes.
Zeus’ Rage by MikeD

What a brilliant idea – Zeus hurling thunderbolts from on high!
Outstanding camera angle, dynamic pose, thunderbolt effects, and God-like physique. Most of all, superb feature of Dante 7 as the King of the Gods.
One On One by aograi

Fantastic concept and poses. Also love the combination of outfits, which gives the characters a very unique look. Nightshift3D’s Sci Fi Air Scrubber looks wonderful here next to these two dueling beauties.
Brilliant Images!
Thank you all for participating and sharing your awesome work!
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
Congrats to the winners! Thank you so much for the honorable mention on Stories from Nana!