My favorite April item has got to be Mei Lin 7. Luckily, March Madness was extended, so we could get her packages at a pretty good price. I don’t have her HD add-on yet, but I am definitely going to get it when it goes back on sale.
There certainly were many Mei Lin 7 renders in the Daz Gallery last month. In fact, almost half the pictures I made in April were of Mei Lin. A beauty like this needs an equally beautiful companion, and what better friend than an Asian tiger cub! Therefore, this May, we will feature Mei Lin 7 and Alessandro_AM.

A girl also needs beautiful textures to wear and interesting places to visit, so our two other vendors are Anna Benjamin (fashion texture extraordinaire) and ironman13 (sets and pose genius).
May 2016 Contest Vendors
Anna Benjamin
Images with the newly released Mei Lin 7 and Lee 7 will also qualify.
May contest entries.
1st Place – Defender of the Forest
Artist – Storypilot

Wow! Fantastic!
Straight away I get drawn into the action of the piece. The blurring effect is outstanding. It creates a strong feeling of danger and tension, where everything seems to be getting sucked into the creature’s big maw. We cannot help but feel strongly for the wolf who is defending her home from this evil alien presence.
Brilliant use of colors. The red alien creature stands out well against the blue backdrop, and its color and texture make it look more threatening. The wolf is marvelously posed and the superb camera angle intensifies the entire scene.
Masterful use of pose, camera, colors, shaders, and post-effects to capture a wonderfully dynamic story moment. Bravo!
2nd Place – Love and Security
Artist – Shozai

I absolutely love all the tender, funny, and happy moments that Shozai captures in her amazing animal artwork.
This image is brilliant! The elephants’ poses and expressions convey a perfect feeling of contentment and happiness. One cannot help but share in that feeling, and want to protect it.
The dappled light on their bodies is beautiful, as are the blue and green hues, which further accentuate the peacefulness of the scene. This is both visually and emotionally spectacular!
Make sure to view May’s submissions for many more delightful and majestic moments captured by Shozai.

There was just a butt-load of amazing artwork this month, so a big congratulations to you all. The judges were unable to pare down their favorite entries, so we have a three way tie in third place, and lots of honorable winners! Get ready for the awesomeness!
3rd Place – Stampede
Artist – Budo-san

Magnificent scene and snow effects. One can almost hear the thundering sound of gigantic feet and feel the ground shake. A truly wonderful showcase of Alessandro_AM’s marvelous Woolly Mammoth.
3rd Place – Walking alone
Artist – MikeD

The lone wolf, making his way bravely through adversity. This image speaks strongly to us all as we go through life’s challenges. We hope to face them with courage, dignity, and grace, all of which are captured here in AM’s magnificent wolf. Excellent concept, pose, environment, and seamless integration with Ron’s Magical Snow brushes.
3rd Place – Nile Ballet
Artist – Joe Webb

A gorgeous, playful, and wonderfully creative image. The crocodiles are beautifully posed, basking in the sun. They are to one side, while the hippos are on the other, thus creating the fascinating interplay of the Nile Ballet.
The dance of light on water creates another compelling visual all on its own. Love the composition, love the backdrop, love the lighting, love everything about this stunning work of art.
Honorable Mentions
Defiance by mugzie101

A superb fantasy character featuring the Eternal Desert Warrior Outfit by Anna Benjamin. Great looking pose, combination with the bow, and very sultry expression. All in all a captivating promo image, which would certainly get me to cart and buy.
Washing Day by knaakie

Hahaha! Love this! As Arnold would say, …
Punk: Wash day tomorrow? Nothing clean, right?
The Terminator: Nothing clean. Right.
~~[The Terminator]
A very clever piece of art with fabulous camera angle, framing, and depth of field. Always love your work, ingenuity, and humor. Ironman13’s Laundromat Environment is looking very hot and spicy!
Old Pirate by luci45

A remarkable character portrait featuring the Crimson Seas outfit and textures by Anna Benjamin. Excellent lighting that draws our attention straight to the face, which is rich in detail, expression, and sporting an excellent beard. We want to hear the many exciting adventures that this old sea dog has to tell, starting with the one about the great big gem!
Samurai Temple by Jaellra

Yay! A Lee 7 render!
Awesome composition, lighting, and effects. Love how smoothly Ron’s brushes are integrated into the scene, as well as the pose and backdrop. Terrific use of materials, especially the light reflections on the ground. Outstanding image!
Mesmerized by Ferretmania

The viewer’s attention is instantly captured, by the expression of terror on the girl’s face. I like how everything is darkened so as to quickly draw one’s eye to where the action is. Incredible expressions, posing, and story-telling.
Rabbit and Steel: Together Again by Ippotamus

A dynamite image, with great characters, story-telling, and whimsy. This would make a terrific comic book series!
As soon as I saw the samurai bunny, I loved it! The girl’s pose and outfit are superb, as is the cool looking scooter. Great color blends of blues and yellows, and an awesome backdrop. Everything fits perfectly together in this charmingly creative composition.
Thank You and Congratulations!!
Winners, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. This is what I will use to send you your DAZ GC code.
Many thanks to you all for joining us on this journey and making this contest interesting, illuminating, and fun! We hope you will all join us for another year as well as give us suggestions and thoughts for improvement. See you in our June 2016 contest!
Thank you very much, and congrats to all, such lovely images selected, I’m honored to be among them.
As always, a wonderful treat to read the thoughtful comments on the images! Congrats on a great month!
I wanted to thank and congratulate the winners and all who participated. Lot of talent and work showing on these images!
Thank you very much and congratulations to all winners 🙂
Congratulations to all the winners and all the other honorable mentions.
Thank you for the honorable mention, there were so many wonderful images this month 🙂