There were some great Daz Original sales in May, so I ended up getting many of the Daz-O products on my wish-list. In particular, there was a 70% off sale and then some super coupon-mania codes at the end of the month. I finally bought the Dragon Girl Bundle, which is chock full of good stuff, including an environment by Stonemason and this lovely dForce outfit. Some other wish-list items that I am excited to try out are –
- Demon HD for Genesis 8 Male – This bad demon boy by Josh Crockett has superb body/skin details and he looks totally fierce!
- dForce X-Fashion Sexy Kimono – A beautiful off-shoulder kimono with a variety of pose options.
- Steampunk Hot Air Balloon – One of the best looking hot air balloons I have seen on 3D-land, attached to an awesome steampunk ship. Would look fantastic with a pirate or steampunk girl.
- Zollacce Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) – Marvelous sci-fi futuristic armor. Best of all, got this as a freebie with Sanjay 8 Pro Bundle.
May also had some terrific new items. I picked up Sacred Texts and Cloakroom Clutter. Both are by Merlin Studios, so fabulously modeled with wonderful prop details. In addition, they are also PC+ items! Exceptionally glad that Merlin Studios is a PC+ vendor.
Talking about PC+ items, there is also this cool selfie pose set by Diane and Predatron. Finally, check out this brilliantly creative and unique outfit that came out with Sanjay 8.

June 2019 Contest Vendors
In June, we will be featuring these fine Daz Published Artists –
Merlin Studios
Images with the newly released Sanjay 8, and Kala 8 will also qualify.
June contest entries.

1st Place – Daz Treasure Dig
Artist – luci45

Hahaha, such a superb concept!
I love everything about this image. The composition is brilliant and definitely speaks to all of us Daz fans out there. Who has not been through the common experience of hunting for treasure at the Daz Marketplace, especially during big sales days. Alternatively, we could also be hunting for forgotten treasure in our DS content library.
The details are amazing, with such a vast variety of objects hidden or half hidden in the ground, some are being dug up, while others are being carted away. There are also many people busily engaged at the Dig Site, fabulously posed, and wearing different colorful outfits.
Excellent top-down camera angle, focusing on the smiling dude in red, as he happily wheels his favorite items away. It is such a lively, fascinating scene, with lots of bright tones, and clever prop additions.
I thoroughly enjoyed this incredible visual experience.
2nd Place – River Raiders
Artist – Kibosh

Marvelous storied scene!
Such a fantastic composition; rich in detail and masterfully rendered. I especially like all the movement in the picture, with the running horses, raiders shooting arrows, soldiers trying to protect themselves, and more. The details are magnificent, with arrows at the side of the wagon, on shields, and some that sadly found their mark on the caravan guards. The lead horse is splashing water as he charges and is even showing teeth.
Remarkable misty atmosphere and a cool environment. The trees, water, and mist, make this the perfect place and time for an ambush. Wonderful use of Predatron’s Fir Trees, which provide great cover for the raiders. One moment everything is peaceful, and the next, arrows are flying, horses and men are materializing out of the woods, and there is chaos everywhere.
The judges were also very impressed with Grape Harvester. You did an awesome job reproducing Adolphe William Bouguereau’s captivating work.
3rd Place – Final Fantasy XV – The Bigger They Are
Artist – Shanarah

Ignis Scientia! You captured him beautifully.
Fabulous job in combining many different morphs together to create an incredible likeness. In addition, Qain Hair is a fine match, so thank you very much for sharing all the assets you used. It will be very helpful for other Ignis fans.
Outstanding camera work. Love how the scene is tilted so as to emphasize the character’s forward movement. Also excellent use of DoF and placement of the Dorpodon up front. It’s placement, gaping mouth, as well as sharp teeth, make him look extra large and menacing.
Terrific dynamic scene and an amazing piece of fan-art.
I also super love your Sarovanya character. Lovely hair and outfit textures. Wish I had gotten that texture set before Moyra left Daz.
3rd Place – Trouble Shoes
Artist – dtrscbrutal

Superbly sexyful!
Love the scene setup. There is great tension and it tells an interesting story. Brilliant idea to frame the ongoing heist with those long, shapely legs. Definitely notice them first, and then all the strapped armament.
We can straight away tell that she is bad-ass, but she is also very stylish; just look at those shoes! 😀 Only her awesome legs are visible, so it is up to our rich individual imaginations to picture what this femme fatale looks like.
Is she a force for good, evil, or just chaos? Is she there to stop the theft, to join in, or merely to cause some mischief? I definitely want to see what happens next.
Honorable Mentions
Daily Inspiration by dawnblade

A very charming scene of a happy, shared moment between mother and daughter. We definitely need more of those.
Love the concept, poses, and expressions. The girl’s smile is especially delightful. It warms the heart to see a teenager so happy, sitting next to her mother and hearing her read. The sunlight is streaming in, and both are where they want to be, enjoying the peace and each other’s company.
There are no cellphones, computers, television, sound systems, or other technological distractions. Just a simple book and unadulterated joy. A sweet image, showing us what could be; if we only took the time to appreciate those around us.
The Staring Contest by LaPetiteVerita

Clever and infinitely adorable.
I love the girl’s “I don’t care look”, which is made even more dear by the fact that she is having a staring contest with a rubber duck. The rubber duck, however, just smiles and absorbs it all in. I think this Zen-duck is well on his way to winning this particular competition.
Marvelous use of the Small Room Kit Bundle to create a cheerful bath time environment. Fabulous work!
Black vs. White by markusmatern

Fantastic feature of HM’s dForce Void Suit-X and dForce Void Suit-X Textures. I especially like that the two figures have mirror poses to each other, which work well to showcase the drape and fit of the outfit. Even the emissive lights on their ensemble, red vs blue, are opposites.
A superb idea for highlighting this clothing set. If I didn’t already have it in my wishlist, I would have added it after seeing this! 😀
Congratulations to Our June 2019 3D-Art Contest Winners!
Another month with incredible ideas and render techniques. Thank you all for viewing and sharing!
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
Congrats to all!
Some really awesome art!!!!
ps. forgot my name 😛
Congrats to all! 😀
Some really awesome art!!!!