A new version of Daz Studio was released in June (4.11). The two key features in this release are the dForce Strand Based Hair system and the Iray denoiser. So far, I still like LAMH grooms better, but the new Gorilla release looks very good, showing the great potential of this hair. I am also having fun playing around with the denoiser, although to get detail, we still need to render for a large number of iterations.
As for new products, the item that most caught my eye in June is this awesome elf bundle by Linday and Mousso. Superb details on the outfit, great textures, cool looking hair, character, and everything else. Other interesting June new releases –
- Catgirl Megapack – Love the various tails as well as clawed hands and feet that come with this set.
- dForce Serpent Whisperer Outfit – I especially like the snake accessories, including the arm bands, shin bands, and the snake on her back.
- Adeline Hair and Circlets – Would look great on an elf character.
- Nicolette HD for Genesis 8 Female – Sexy elf girl with interesting face tattoos.
- iG Sweet Seduction Poses – Some great looking pin-up poses. Sweet Intentions Poses and Props also look very interesting.
Finally, the Temporarily PC+ Sale that started at the end of June and is extending into July is also excellent. Today I picked up the Platea Epic Bundle for $2.99! The items change every day so definitely worth a daily look.

July 2019 Contest Vendors
Based on these wonderful new releases, we will be featuring the following Daz Published Artists in July –
Images with the newly released Elios 8, and Ellithia 8 will also qualify.
July contest entries.

1st Place – Mobilized
Artist – dtrscbrutal

Amazing realism and camera work.
Superb job in creating an authentic crowd scene. I especially like the little differences in hairstyle and headgear, as well as the side profile soldiers that serve as accents amongst the other troops. Brilliant use of depth of field to accentuate the size of the scene, as well as draw the eye towards Mousso’s Rei.
A very powerful composition that captures the gravity of sending troops off to war, as the camera captures the expression of that one soldier; looking directly at us. What mental and physical horrors must she endure? What sacrifices must she make? What cost must she pay?
Long Distance Operator is another impressive image. Excellent use of Dystopian Desert Destruction Kit to create the backdrop, especially using the various structures to frame the scene. Again, clever use of camera angle to create tension and a sense of imminent action.
2nd Place – Sunrise
Artist – SmR

Magnificent composition!
You did an incredible job constructing the city and skyline. When I look at this picture, I imagine our heroine arriving home after a long journey. She pauses, as the morning light touches the city she loves, slowly bringing it to full bloom. A sigh of contentment escapes her lips. Homecoming always fills her with a special ecstasy that she does not feel anywhere else.
Great use of Syble hair and the glowing mask. They create an interesting character and striking silhouette against the sunrise sky. I also like the red hover bike, which contrasts well with the blue emissives as well as the black of her outfit. The lens flare is a wonderful touch.
Most of all, congratulations on capturing the emotional complexity and richness of a homecoming.
Every traveler has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering.
~~ Charles Dickens
3rd Place – Shadowcat Mech Pilot
Artist – napalmarsenal

Super fabulous pinup!
This is a terrific feature of Marnie HD for Genesis 8 Female by Mousso. I especially love all the polished dark metal surfaces on the MECH 2012 Enforcer, which give the piece a very stylish look. They also contrast beautifully with our striking mech pilot, making her stand out even more.
The cat and little bot are very fun additions. They make for interesting sidekicks, add humor, and enrich the story told by the image. Rather than just a girl/machine pin-up, we now have an interesting trio. How did they meet up? What is that cat up to? Who is that dangerous beauty and how do I get her number? 🙂
3rd Place – Thinking About Humanity
Artist – Leshiye-Art

Outstanding idea and mood.
What a gorgeous angel! Love her pose, especially how the tips of her wings perfectly fit her sitting position. Mousso’s Keriann HD looks amazing in that side profile, with Linday’s Side Layered Messy Hair draped marvelously around her.
The dark background, serious expression, and smoky/misty atmosphere masterfully captures the gravity of the moment. As she observes and ponders from her lofty perch, what will she decide? Are we worthy of her blessing, will she need more data, or will she simply start over?
Honorable Mentions
Portrait by owakulukem

A magnificent portrait and fantastic feature of Mackenzie for Genesis 3 and 8 Female.
I absolutely love the softness of the image and the grayscale palette. Both contribute to the mood of peaceful contemplation. Mackenzie is lovely in this side profile, and Aliza hair fits her perfectly. I don’t know what she is thinking, but she looks awesome doing it. 😀
That Darn Cat! by Vueiy

Haha! Brilliant idea having a cat girl searching for her mischievous cat.
I love the camera work, especially pointing it through the hole in the wall that the cat has clawed through. This creates a unique point of view, frames the scene, as well as captures how resourceful and naughty her cat is. No wonder she is so annoyed, which you portray very well in her expression.
Mousso’s Minthy makes for a great looking cat girl, and it is very cool to see the new Daz cat in action.
Upset by BronzeDragon

Another superb portrait!
She looks very fierce, especially with the Axarra Headdress. Love the skin detail and Nikisatez’s Ethereal Fantasy Outfit suits her perfectly.
Truly a wonderful feature of Makayla. You really showed her beauty, realistic expression, and marvelous skin texture. Cool color scheme too, totally matching the mood piece .
Congratulations to Our July 2019 3D-Art Contest Winners!
Incredible work from all! Many many thanks for sharing your fabulous artwork with us all. They make a delicious feast for the eyes.
To claim your Daz GC, please post a comment below with a valid e-mail in the comment e-mail box. I will use this to send you your gift card code. Please feel free to message me on Daz or Deviant Art if there are any issues.
Another month of incredible images, it must be so difficult to choose just a few among so many! Congrats to all!
Thanks for the honorable mention on “That Darn Cat!” Congrats to the other winners!
Wow, these are amazing! Congrats to all.
Oh WOW!! Thanks so much for the honor of being chosen for 3rd place out of so many Gorgeous works!! Mousso and Emrys are two of my favorite character creators from Daz. Beautiful works everyone! Thanks so much for the kind comments also! …….. as for phone number’s ……… 867-5309 … names Jenny you can call me maybe!
lol! I love that song.
Thank you very much for choosing me for the third place! Glad you liked my work!